

(parte da minha vida (e de meus pensamentos mais profundos) frases desconexas (como se eu (algum dia) houvesse sido altamente coerente) e mais(...))

{a vida sem musica é um equivoco}

wtorek, lipca 22, 2003


hey you,
out there in the cold,
getting lonely, getting old,
can you feel me?
hey you,
standing in the aisles,
with itchy feet and fading smile,
can you feel me?
hey you,
don't help them to bury the light.
don't give in without a fight.
hey you,
out there on your own,
sitting naked by the phone,
would you touch me?
hey you,
with your ear against the wall,
waiting for someone to call out,
would you touch me?
hey you,
would you help me to carry the stone?
open your heart, I'm coming home.
but it was only fantasy.
the wall was too high, as you can see.
no matter how he tried he could not break free.
and the worms ate into his brain.
hey you,
out there on the road,
always doing what you're told,
can you help me?
hey you,
out there beyond the wall,
breaking bottles in the hall,
can you help me?
hey you,
don't tell me there's no hope at all.
together we stand, divided we fall.

(hey you - pink floyd - dream theater live version)

"- você já tem meu corpo e minha alma e ainda quer minha biografia? que intimidades são essas?
- quero amar tudo sobre você. quero amar o seu retrospecto. o seu currículo. sua vida pregressa. sua história clínica. seus antecedntes criminais. sua ficha no spc. seus boletins da escola. quero amar você desde as primeiras fraldas!
- depois você vai me esquartejar e procurar a minha explicação.
- não, você é que vai me enterrar."

said and done Unknown  # 7:46 PM


stycznia 2003   lutego 2003   marca 2003   kwietnia 2003   maja 2003   czerwca 2003   lipca 2003   sierpnia 2003   września 2003   października 2003   listopada 2003   grudnia 2003   stycznia 2004   lutego 2004   maja 2004   czerwca 2004   lipca 2004   września 2004   października 2004   listopada 2004   grudnia 2004   stycznia 2005   lutego 2005   marca 2005   kwietnia 2005   września 2005   października 2005   sierpnia 2006   września 2007   listopada 2009   marca 2010   marca 2011   kwietnia 2011   lipca 2011   września 2011   października 2011   listopada 2011   grudnia 2011   marca 2012   kwietnia 2012   maja 2012   lipca 2012   sierpnia 2012   listopada 2012   marca 2013   października 2015   grudnia 2018  

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